Sunday, January 27, 2008

Scandinavian Smorgasbord!

Let me tell you a bit more about the pictures of the Scandinavian Smorgasbord that we had at Christmas. We try to do this on an annual basis as it is fun and people seem to enjoy it. We both have fun making the Scandinavian goodies and dressing it up as authentic as possibe. Here is what we included: lox, smoked salman, different varieties of herring, ham and smoked turkey, all kinds of Scandinavian cheeses, lingon and cloud berries, Swedish rye bread and thin bread, lefse, sweet soup, rice pudding, and romegrot. A fun tradition is the person who finds the almond on the rice pudding gets a prize which was a bottle of lingonberries!! I used my mom's Famer Rose Norwegian fine china this year which was in her honor. She would have liked that, I think. Well, it's fun carrying on some of these traditions especially when it brings smiles to many faces!

1 comment:

Marion said...

What fantastic pictures, especially of the cheeses! These are wonderful traditions to carry on and explain to the generations so they can appreciate the festivities on a deeper level. Thanks for sharing.